Saturday, November 14, 2009

Remember today?

For some strange reasons I got up very early today at about 0540am, outside it is still picth dark. Wondering if I am still fighting my jetlag after the US trip. It cant be the jetlag as I normally wont get affected by this travel between time zones.

Chilly morning, foggy outside. In Delhi/Gurgaon it is called smog, rightfully what with so much of smoke around. The introduction of CNG buses, Taxis and Autos seem to have reduced it but pollution is catching up on us. Need stronger measures and better implmentation.

Open the newspaper, reading it while sipping a hot cup of freshly brewed coffeee. There was no mention about the great leader of our country, Pandit Nehru. Today is his birthday and celebrated as Children's day, nothing on the front page. The whole paper seemed to be filled with tributes to Sachin Tendulkar. Not that I am not a fan of Sachin, I am. I truly think he is a great player, but very disappointed at the lack of importance shown to our great leader.

I know they say 'time heals' but it also seems to say 'time seals'. Contributions of people like Pandit Nehru seemed to have been sealed in a container called the past.

Government seem to spend a lot of money on the security of ex-leaders, can they not spend money on a picture of the leaders like Nehru on the front page, just once a year?

Sun is slowly emerging out of the clouds of dust and smog, hope will shine some light on people of the past and remind us that we exist in today's environment due to the hard work done by those great leaders.

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